Basic Policy on Insurance Solicitation

Basic Policy on Insurance Solicitation

Affinity Digital Insurance Services LLC


Basic Policy

s   We respect their intentions from the customer's point of view and conduct sincere sales activities.

s   We will conduct appropriate sales activities in accordance with the handling methods and laws and regulations stipulated by the handling insurance company.

s   As financial professionals, we will strive to improve our knowledge and provide high-quality services.

s   We will comply with the Insurance Business Act, the Act on the Sale of Financial Products, the Consumer Contract Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and other related laws and regulations.


  1. Appropriate solicitation

s   We will endeavor to respond to inquiries from customers promptly, appropriately, and politely.

s   We will not solicit customers if there is a request that the time, place, or method is inconvenience.

s   We will not discount, rebate, or advance insurance premiums, or provide special benefits to customers.

s   Ensure that the identity of the policyholder is verified and the consent of the insured is obtained.

s   In order to conduct appropriate recruitment, we will work on the development of an administrative management system and the training of recruiters.


  1. Principle of conformity

s   We will comprehensively consider necessary matters according to the characteristics of the product, such as the customer's knowledge of the product, purchase experience, purpose of purchase, and financial situation, and strive to explain and provide products in accordance with the customer's intention and actual situation.

s   We will endeavor to solicit insurance contracts, etc. in which minors are insured persons appropriately from the perspective of preventing fraudulent acquisition of insurance benefits.

s   Regarding insurance solicitation for the elderly, we will strive to provide detailed explanations and responses, such as requesting the presence of relatives at the time of insurance solicitation and conducting insurance solicitations by multiple insurance producers.

s   Regarding the transfer offering, we will fully confirm and explain the precautions for switching to a new insurance product, acknowledging the fact that it is disadvantageous to the customer.


  1. Handling of recruitment materials

s   In the recruitment materials, we will always prepare the latest forms and use only materials that comply with the regulations of the insurance companies we handle.


  1. Misidentification prevention

s   We will clearly classify life insurance, non-life insurance, and other financial products so that they do not cause misidentification of products and underwriting insurance companies.


  1. Accountability

s   With regard to insurance solicitation, we will understand the customer's intentions, provide products that meet those intentions, and explain in an easy-to-understand manner, including how the products correspond to those intentions.

s   We will accurately explain the facts that may be disadvantageous to you.

s   We will explain important matters that can be objectively considered to affect the customer's judgment by issuing documents and other means, and strive to obtain sufficient understanding. In doing so, we will not provide definitive explanations regarding uncertain matters in the future.

s   We will comprehensively consider the client's knowledge of financial products, their objectives, and other necessary matters according to the characteristics of financial products, and strive to explain and provide financial products in accordance with their intentions and actual circumstances.


  1. Protection of customer information

s   In addition to respecting the privacy of our customers, we will handle and strictly manage information about our customers.



Affinity Digital Insurance Services LLC

163-0649  Shinjuku Center Building, 1-25 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo (49F)

Phone: 03-6555-2809

Homepage: Https://